Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Fantasy Farce: The Northern Indiana Spaceport !

What if some forward thinking individuals with entrepreneurial will power, and a spirit of adventure decided," What Elkhart County should do for an industrial boom is develop a recreational vehicle spaceport to the Moon." If someone thinks that sounds ridiculous consider Burt Rutan, SpaceshipOne and Virgin Galactic winning the SpaceX prize, or The Dubai Spaceport. Not as far fetched as one might think, huh! Would it not be wonderful? Imagine all these RV employees building solid fuel rocket propelled space recreational vehicles with just a GED level education. Oh, I am sure each would have a high-def flatscreen with surround sound. There would be special deals, with purchase, like two weeks paid timeshare at a lovely moonbased casino hotel. There would be offered Nascar moonbuggy racing tickets, mooncrater wall climbing, "sneak out to the Sea of Tranquility, and watch the Earth rise" get away trips. All conveniently priced with monthly low payments like at the local DIY home rennovation store. Nobody would mind the fact that their great grandchildren would still be making payments on their vacation. They could put a bumper sticker on their space RV " Spending my great granchildren's inheritance".Quoting Dr. Suess, "Just think of all the thoughts that could be thunk!'

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