Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is it art because," I say it is"?

This week I have been checking out a new (to me, not to the art world) area of creative expression and art theory called Neo-Dadaism ( audio and visual modern art with similarities to earlier Dada artworks ) Fluxus, Pop Art, and Nouveau realisme, would fit into this category. It was a movement in modern art during the 60's that continues today expressed through new media art shows and on the internet. There was some early criticism of the genre, that it was not really art, because it was too common and vulgar. One artist when asked why she thought her work could be considered art said," because I say that it is"! Historically, if one looks at the earliest forms of art, cave paintings, native folk art, and deity sculptures, hieroglyphs, music, or decorated pottery each person was not necessarily trying to create a work of art, although we might consider them so today, they were just expressing themselves visually or audibly to communicate to others in some way, and create a lasting record of their personal experiences, emotions, and perspective. This form of artistic expression gets right down to the raw everyday for us. The Facebook generation, blogging, audio/visual journalism, You Tube, these are all modern day extensions of a primal need humans have to let others know their feelings, experiences, perpectives, and express themselves artistically in a common everyday way. New Media art is art because 'everybody' is saying it is so.

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