Monday, December 8, 2008

Lazarus Come Forth

This year has been unusual in many ways. We have seen an unprecedented economic downturn. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "rescued" by a total government takeover. Lehman Brothers, AIG, Wachovia, and Bank of America all stock market giants becoming unstable and needing Federal bailouts. The Big Three Automakers receiving 15 billion dollar government monies. The first African American elect President in American history. Automotive fuel prices at all time high prices only to drop lower than they have been for over a decade. 2008 may go down in history for many different reasons. Today will stick in my memory for awhile for an unusual happening. I was getting an ID photo done at a local university, I am not photogenic, and it was taking the administrative assistant multiple takes to get something worthwhile. Suddenly, from the doorway of the ID room I hear a voice " Lazarus, come forth!" I turn in the direction from whence cometh thus strange proclamation and say" Excuse me?" A young African American gentleman with knitted skullcap and ipod earbuds responds again" Lazarus, come forth!" I say somewhat perplexed" Is there something I can do for you?" Still standing there not moving he ignoring my gesture toward less innane communication retorted" Lazarus, come forth!" for the third time. I just stood there glaring stupidly while he looked back at me, then he walked away. This did not seem to bother the assistant who just said" Why would God bother to raise someone at peace from the dead." This got me to thinking after awhile, maybe God sent this young prophet to me to let me know with all the financial deadness around these days God's saying" Lazarus, come forth to our Counties' economic woes. Wouldn't that be a strange occurence in a very strange year.

1 comment:

Sharon Telschow said...

dear sir, I do hope you are cooking up a new post as good as your cinnamon rolls. -daughter