Sunday, December 28, 2008

Restoring That Which Was Lost

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm hoping everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. Mine has been filled with family fun, food, and special christmas miracles. We all have those stories about gift giving this time of year that warm our souls. This year mine concerns something I thought I had lost to the neglect of time. We all have had those things which for whatever reason slip into a state of neglect. Mine was a 12 string guitar I had bought and played beginning my 18th year. I learned to play on this guitar and spent many hours just enjoying making melody, singing songs, and yes, praising my Savior Jesus on this guitar. Well, after some time. moisture and tuning it with too high pitch caused the face to pull up from the supports, and the neck to crack, which broke my heart,also.
It was placed in storage until I could figure out what to do for it. Time passed over many years and every time I saw my misshappen friend in storage I promised myself I would find a way to restore the many wounds on its face from my children playing with it and its structural damage. On Christmas day we were exchanging our family gifts, my turn came to receive. My family pointed out a package which had a familiar guitar shape. It was not a gift I had acquired for someone else, so I had not paid much attention to it. I opened it with no clue. It was my old friend the 12 string restored. To my surprise all the cracks and damages were repaired, and a new set of strings placed, and a new solid guitar case to safely put my guitar within. My wife and daughter knowing my fondness for the guitar had secreted the guitar from storage to another friend of mine who works miracles with wood products, and WALAH! Niagara Falls the water works just started to fall. I cried tears of joy. What a wonderful Christmas magical moment. One which I will never forget.

1 comment:

Sharon Telschow said...

Yay! I think it's time to give your friend a name.